Article concerning activity detection
We are pleased to inform you that article “Ensemble of RNN Classifiers for Activity Detection Using a Smartphone and Supporting Nodes” has been
published in Sensors and is available online:
We are pleased to inform you that article “Ensemble of RNN Classifiers for Activity Detection Using a Smartphone and Supporting Nodes” has been
published in Sensors and is available online:
On September 15-16, 2022 Transnational Meeting M4 was held in Sofia (Bulgaria). The Meeting was conducted on the basis of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
The fourth project meeting was organized by the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) in Bulgaria. The purpose of this meeting was to summarize the project accomplishments, discuss the experience from the second training activity and the second multiplier event, and finalize the evaluations of the fulfillment of the objectives. The plan for post-project output sustainability was confirmed and signed.
The participants from the University of Nis (UNi), the University of Bielsko-Biala (UBB), and the University of Library Studies and Information Technology (ULSIT) took an active part in the meeting.
Photo. Participants of M4 at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies..
The link to the agenda of the meeting is below
At first, the local dissemination reports were presented and confirmed by Steering Team.
Then the task performance reports were presented and discussed, paying an attention to the sequential order of the intellectual outputs:
Prof. Vasyl Martsenyuk presented the current state of the project outcomes. He focused attention on the rules of reporting the intellectual outcomes of the projects. Namely, the responsibility for preparing corresponding intellectual outputs lies on the leading organizations: O1 – UBB, O2 – TSNUK, O3 – ULSIT, and O4 – UNi. Also, he remarked on the necessity of arrangement of financial reporting for the project, especially timesheets for the intellectual outputs. The real discussion was devoted to the good practice of reporting multiplier events E1, E2, E3, and E4.
Further, he presented to the participants the sustainability plan for the purpose to postpone the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project to the period after completing the financing of the project by the EC. The link to the sustainability plan is below
Prof. Georgi Dimitrov has drawn attention to the preparation and shaping of the final evaluations of the project results. The participants of the meeting remarked on the significant contribution of the team of ULSIT and the leading role when developing the framework of the Big Data training course.
Prof. Dejan Rancic has presented the activities fulfilled by the team of UNi. The other participants of the meeting have highly estimated the contribution of the UNi team to the piloting stage of the project, especially when organizing C2 and C3 training activities.
Financial management report was discussed. The participants have agreed on the order of the preparation and filling in of the final financial report with the help of the Mobility Tool platform.
Local dissemination results have been also presented.
Finally, to-do list was offered and confirmed.
Photo: Coordinators of the projects’ teams at M4: prof. Dejan Rancic (UNi), prof. Georgi Dimitrov (ULSIT), prof. Vasyl Martsenyuk (UBB).
Photo: participants of M4 from UBB (Marcin Bernas and Vasyl Martsenyuk) and ULSIT (Eugenia Kovatcheva) at the territory of the rectorate of ULSIT.
On May 21, 2022 Transnational Meeting M3 was held in Nis (Serbia). The Meeting was conducted on the basis of Science Technology Park Nis
The third project meeting was organized by University of Niš (Uni) in Serbia. The purpose of this meeting was to track the progress of the project, to discuss the experience from the training activities C1, C2, and C3. Also, feedback on the ongoing activities for the development of the Foresight Study (03) and the Guide for Instructors (04) was considered.
The participants from UNi, University of Bielsko-Biala (UBB), and University of Library Studies and Information Technology (ULSIT) took an active part at the meeting. The team from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK) participated at M3 remotely.
All details can be found in ReportM3
During the period May 16 – May 20, 2022 Student’s Training C3 was held. The event was hosted by the University of Nis (UNi) in Serbia.
The third training activity involved the organization of the Big Data course offered to computer science students in UNi. The agenda of the event can be found through the link
University of Bielsko-Biala (UBB), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), UNi have sent four students each in the ICT field. The instructors of the course were trainers from all universities. The training was conducted according to the already established methodologies and teaching materials. The trainers were representatives of UNi teachers. Teachers from ULSIT and
UBB attended the classes and assisted in their conduct.
The format was tailored to the academic classes at the university.
Craft topics was related to the goals and objectives of the project:
– Database based on an advanced reference in the case of BigData (covering 01 – A1.1. Data collection and A1.2. Analysis)
– How to analyze requirements with a Big Data and how to find the best solution to the problem (covering 02 and 03)
– How to best prepare Big Data professionals in the Data Lake ecosystem (O3 and O4 outputs)
– How to help managers find the best way using their Big Data resources
Students from UBB, ULSIT, and UNi joined the activity. Certification of attendance was provided to all the participants.
All details can be found in ReportC3
During the period May 16 – May 20, 2022 Teacher’s Training C2 was held. The training was organized by the University of Nis (UNi).
5 days 35 hours joint staff training was aimed to transfer and share the knowledge regarding the developed intellectual outputs in the Big Data area and prepare the trainers for pilot training. The agenda of the event can be found through the link
University of Bielsko-Biala (UBB), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) have sent four trainees each who are their staff members / lecturers in ICT area, database and machine learning as well as experienced in continuous professional development training. Three trainees from Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (TSNUK, Ukraine) have participated at the event online with the help of MS Teams.
The training has been conducted using the methodology already created and the training materials that have been developed as a result of Intellectual Outputs O1, O2, and O3 with the participation of members from partner universities. The teams were formed at the second project meeting M2 in Kyiv.
The format was organized as follows – morning sessions with conceptual work and presentations and afternoon workshop sessions where the 15 trainees were splitted into smaller groups to work on particular tasks, then all will get together again for presentation of their results and discussion.
The topics of the training included:
– DataBased with good practices BigData case (covering 01 – A1.1. Data Collection and A1.2. Analysis)
– How to analyze the Big Data Requirements and how to find the best solution to problems (covering 02 and 03)
– How to better prepare BigData specialists in the Data Lake ecosystem (outputs O3 and O4)
– How to help managers find the best way to use their BigData resources
All details can be found in ReportC2
The University of Bielsko-Biala realizes the project as part of BSc thesis.
The work involves using data on various forms of training to find solutions that are currently leading in the fitness market. The solution is based on data obtained from many sources and allows for taking into account the sentiment. The solution is based on a pipeline of data obtained from social networks and the expert experience of personal trainers. Information about the project will follow soon.
work supervisor: Marcin Bernaś (
The University of Bielsko-Biala realizes the project as part of BSc thesis. The subject of the thesis is to get acquainted with the available technologies that enable working on large data sets referred to as Big Data and to design a data pipeline based on specific assumptions. The process of creating a data stream covered the processes of obtaining, processing, analysing, applying and storing data. When designing the data pipeline, the author of the work used Google Cloud Platform tools. The Google Storage component made it possible to access the data storage container. The Google Dataproc service made it possible to create and configure the Hadoop and Spark cluster. In the created example, the author showed the transformation process of data obtained from the Twitter social network, extracting from its data on the customer’s opinion about the surveyed company. The next stage of work concerned the analysis of the obtained data, for this purpose the Google Data Studio platform was used, with the help of which charts, reports and statistics were created, enabling an in-depth analysis of the studied example. The obtained data was compared with the information available on the market.
work supervisor: Marcin Bernaś (
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