Presentations of Erasmus+ projects iBIGworld and FAAI on #ErasmusDays

Presentations of Erasmus+ projects iBIGworld and FAAI on #ErasmusDays

The Erasmus+ projects iBIGworld and “The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence” (FAAI) No  2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000088359 were presented on October 14, 2022, during the 6th Edition of #ErasmusDays at the University of Bielsko-Biala.

The basic aims and outcomes of the iBIGworld were reported by dr Aleksandra Klos-Witkowska.

In turn, Vasyl Martsenyuk paid attention to the basic work packages of the project FAAI.  The link to the presentation is below






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